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5 New Year's Resolutions Every Seller Should Add to Their List

As we close in on 2015, you most likely have a running list of resolutions racing around your mind at any given time.

By Keith Loria

As we close in on 2015, you most likely have a running list of resolutions racing around your mind at any given time. However, if you plan on selling your home in the new year, here are a few things you may want to add to your list. 

1. Be Kind to Your Agent. If your house isn’t selling, and your agent suggests dropping the price, hiring a stager or something else they believe will help sell the home, don’t yell or threaten to leave them and find another agent. Your agent is there to offer advice and tips to ultimately get your home sold quickly, at a price you want. Therefore, remember that they’re not your enemy. Work with them and keep the lines of communication open and clear. 

2. Have Reasonable Expectations. Gone are the days when you put a house up for sale and a bidding war would ensue. If you want the best chance of selling your home, understand what’s going on in your market, and take into account that you might have to wait a while for your home to sell. Also, don’t shoot for the moon with your pricing, especially if you’re looking to get out quickly.

3. Don’t Get Discouraged. It’s always stressful when a home doesn’t sell, but don’t give up just because no one is biting. Eventually, the right buyer will come along and you’ll be able to move on to whatever new living opportunity awaits. 

4. De-Clutter Every Room. It’s the most common advice you’ll get from anyone associated with real estate: if you want to sell your house, remove the clutter and store anything that’s not essential in another location. That means packing away seasonal clothes, removing kitchen tools and small appliances you never use and packing up toys or collectables. 

5. Paint. It never hurts to spruce up rooms with a coat of paint. While most people are quick to paint the living room and bedrooms, it’s also a good idea to remember the smaller rooms—even the closets. When it comes to painting, keep in mind that a little paint can go a long way.

For more tips on selling your home in 2015, contact our office today.

Reprinted with permission from RISMedia. ©2014. All rights reserved.

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